
Kevin Sampong

  • February 4, 2019By Kevin Sampong

    I’ve been a fan of Aje since its very first issue. My love for the title has grown exponentially. The most recent issue was quite impressive to say the least. The art, though spectacular, took me a while to get used to but that ceases to be an issue once you dive into the plot.

  • October 24, 2018By Kevin Sampong

    Comic artist and Squid Mag contributor Kevin Sampong recaps his experience at Pa Gya 2018, where he facilitated a workshop on comic-making for children and adults. This past weekend saw the second edition of the Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra (Pa Gya 2018) go down at the Goethe Institute from October 19 –

  • June 9, 2017By Kevin Sampong

     A while ago, Ayodele Elegba’s Spoof Animations announced they would be releasing four exciting titles to kickstart their efforts into the world of comics. Spoof initially focused the greater part of its efforts on animation but has also been making strides to enter the world of comics. Ayodele Elegba is the creator of Strike Guard which is arguably one

  • May 30, 2017By Kevin Sampong

    I’ve always been a big fan of Newborn Saga. The talents at Peda Studios make true on their promise to showcase Africa in her former majesty and glory! They not only do this beautifully, they do so in the grandest manner conceivable!  Sparing neither effort in art nor plot, Newborn Saga has since Issue #0 (which

  • April 13, 2017By Kevin Sampong

    Comics and Smoothies is over, unfortunately! The much anticipated informal gathering as Vortex Comics’ Somto Ajuluchukwu put it proved to a success. There was quite the turnout. The turnout was, in fact, bigger than expected. This gathering aimed to bring to the fore the various challenges facing the (African comics, games and animation) industry movement – we aren’t

  • April 6, 2017By Kevin Sampong

    Comics and Smoothies is coming to Accra by way of Lagos and we can’t contain our excitement. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve teamed up with Vortex INC to present Comics and Smoothies. Comics and Smoothies is a free informal gathering to talk African comics, games and animation. We’ll be discussing the way forward for African comics,

  • February 11, 2017By Kevin Sampong

    The African comic industry is about to witness a phenomenon that may very well propel it to new heights. Part 1 of Spirit Wars, Vortex Comics‘ upcoming crossover comic series, (scheduled for release today), heralds the coming of age of a booming industry. The comic, titled Spirit Wars – because Vortex only has Spirit Heroes – signals that

  • December 8, 2016By Kevin Sampong

    Superheroes or warriors? Whose job is to save dear Africa in the pages of our comics and in real life? It’s a beautiful day in the park and everything is going just fine. Kids are flying their kites, old buddies laugh as they reminisce the good old days. There’s a teenage couple making out in one corner
