Following the installment of annual events awarding iconic comic artists in Africa and the diaspora is the new innovation that is the Kugali Magazine. It is a monthly magazine by Kugali Media complete with over 60 pages of exclusive art, interviews and a selection of the best comics from across the continent. For those who
The folks over at MAD! Comics have got to be trans-dimensional wizards at teasing. They’ve dropped some snazzy, incredible and unapologetically gruesome art for their upcoming comic(s), Oro. The few hints they’ve dropped on the direction and story of the comic promise extraordinary fight scenes, glorious mythical beasts and a narrative that hops us into
The folks over at MAD! Comics have something epic on the way. The art for their upcoming comics have piqued our interest so much so, we hang out with Hafeez Oluwa, the writer behind the upcoming beauties deep in Squidtropolis (that’s our home). What follows are excerpts from the fun chat we had. Who is