2016 has been such an amazing year and we have you to thank. Our biggest gratitude goes to you creative folk consistently producing content that makes us smile or frown, inspires and depresses us, and above all, feeds us something beautifully important to form our opinions of the continent around. We say a big akpe to you!
A hunt for purely African Comics will return an ocean of Nigerian titles. While this is a testament to the tremendous effort being put in by Nigerian creators, it is wholly unrepresentative of the continent. Thankfully, our friends over at ComExposed are making their presence known and what better way to do that than a comic anthology?! Ahead
Growing up, African comics, including superhero comics were quite rare. My most vivid recollection is the late Frank Odoi’s Akhokhan appearing next to other Western-imported comic strips in the Daily Graphic newspaper. Thanks to the digital age and new media, however, no one will have to suffer a dearth of African-created comics as many are now free to download or inexpensive
Looking for African comics or comic books, African comic PDFs, African graphic novels or African comic anthologies? Welcome home. Jump directly to free African comics. Brief Overview of African Comics Since about 2016, the popularity of African comics has risen. Many attribute this to the rise of superhero comic book movies particularly the ones produced