
Top African Animation Picks from AAFFia 2019

August 30, 20193 min read

A fascinating but tiresome reaction we get at Squid Mag when we introduce people to animation from Africa is often utter shock and disbelief that there are people on the continent actively telling stories through the medium.

The inaugural Accra Animation Film Festival, which held at Basecamp Initiative from July 27 – August 2, 2019, was a refreshing reminder of the potential of African animation for us. There were some sweet surprises for us as well.

It was also a good intro to the nascent industry for animation enthusiasts in Accra who got to see first hand what we see: limitless possibility.

A number of animated projects from Africa were featured at the festival. These were screened in the Animated Africa and Best of Cape Town International Animation Festival programmes. AAFFia’s Animated Africa program was a selection of films submitted to the festival and others the team of Kadi Yao Tay and Diana Rosu curated.

We’ve shared our top picks of animated projects from all the screenings at the Accra Animation Film Festival in the playlist below. 

Some of our favorite African animation picks are not on YouTube but Vimeo or not online at all. In those instances, we’re reaching out to the creators for permission to upload their videos or trailers on our animation channel, Animation Africa.


Our Top African Animation Picks from AAFFia 2019

We’ve also listed each film with relevant links below the playlist. 

Looking for a weekly dose of animated goodness from Africa? Head over to our Weekly Shorts page and satisfy your content needs.

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