Reading fresh comics is all fun and games until you’re all caught up and have to wait several more weeks for new chapters. Imagine if that’s no longer a problem and discovering African comics is as frequent and easy as you like.
If you don’t like to wait too long to see the next part of a story, there’s great news! Brace yourself for the Kugali Comic Club. The Kugali Comic Club is a subscription service that gives you at least thirty (30) new pages of comic content each week. If you’re familiar with Kugali and their anthologies so far, then know you’re in for a treat all for the low cost of a dollar a week!
Beginning June 3, 2019, three serial comics will be released each week, as well as one-shot comics on some weekends.
How the Kugali Comic Club Works

You get 3 comics every week.
- On Monday, you get 10 new pages of Comic A.
- On Wednesday, 10 new pages of comic B.
- On Friday, 10 new pages of comic C.
Every fortnight, one-off stories will be released on Saturdays. These are single, self-contained short stories. All these comics are of the same quality as those in the Kugali Anthologies.
The Kugali Comic Club will run all year long with 1 week breaks each quarter and a 2-week break during the end of year holidays.
The Kugali Comic Club will cost $3 at launch, but the price will go up eventually as the library of available comics continues to grow. Here’s the catch though: the first 50 people to sign up get to pay the starting price for the first 5 years, so get that early bird reward!
Sign up to receive the latest news by email so you don’t miss the Comic Club Launch over at the Kugali website.
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