Have you watched Black Panther? It is hands down, the biggest movie release of 2018; so far! It’s drawn mostly admiration and some outrage from people who’ve seen it, those who haven’t and those who think some people are being a tad too extra; the latter is debatable. If you’ve seen it, what did you think? Totally worth it or seriously overhyped?
Hold your thoughts.
Accra folks may have caught the grand and colourful pre-screening of the blockbuster film at the Silverbird Cinemas a couple of weeks ago. People showed out for the movie and for the Couch Critics, a cool Ghanaian collective that discusses geeky blockbusters.

The pre-screening, organized by the Couch Critics was a gorgeous affair that showcased bold African aesthetics that sadly aren’t as widespread as you’d hope. The Chale Wote Street Art festival is often the only time you see that much gorgeousness woven together.
Back to the topic.
Was Black Panther Totally Worth it or Seriously Overhyped?
The Couch Critics have something to say – a lot of things actually – about that, from the premiere, the difference between cosplaying and regular African fashion to the Panther comics and you should listen! Grab your kelewele (or popcorn) and get ready to completely cheer or angrily pull out your hairs on the Couch Critics.
Watch the Couch Critics’ review below. Follow them on Twitter too. #WeBeExtra
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