African comics continue to rise in their collective success. In order to better understand them, there is a need to sort and categorize the products and our expectations going forward. Before we can answer whether or not to categorize African comics as indie, we must also fairly outline what is considered African and what is
How do you navigate a world where the partial or complete absence of pigment in your skin and eyes marks you as a lucky charm or a vital ingredient in cooking up a supernatural concoction? That’s what Peda Studio’s upcoming title, Under the Sun will explore. Written by Austine Osas, Peda’s new offering is a story
Picture this. You’re in a dungeon filled with rows and rows of comic books with a gun pointed to your head. Your crime, we do not know. But we do know your only way out is to pick out a great comic book the villain would enjoy. Oh, and in 30 seconds. How do you
I’ve always been a big fan of Newborn Saga. The talents at Peda Studios make true on their promise to showcase Africa in her former majesty and glory! They not only do this beautifully, they do so in the grandest manner conceivable! Sparing neither effort in art nor plot, Newborn Saga has since Issue #0 (which