Animation is a beautiful way to transport strangers into a dreamer’s world of color, imagination and infinite possibilities and the folk at Spoof Animation Studios have done just that. Premiered at the recently ended Lagos Comic-Con, Ayodele Elegba’s Strike Guard comic couldn’t be more alive. The almost 9-minute concept short is a direct adaptation of
The MTN App Challenge Accra Roadshow starts today at the Mensah Sarbah Hall at the University of Ghana from 10 am and we’re eager to taste what tech enthusiasts and especially animators have been cooking. While tech folk in Accra have had the opportunity to pit their ideas against each other – in an attempt
Meeting of Styles is an introductory graffiti art event by the Ghana Graffiti crew. The crew is set to challenge societal defects using street art as a medium to communicate with citizens of a disturbed community. Altering physical space with thought-provoking and creative content for social change and aesthetics is the function of the crew
Dunamis is a Kenyan comic book that highlights some of the challenges marginalized peoples face in some African communities. Ghanaian investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas in 2011 together with a local journalist and an activist released a documentary that showed harrowing visuals of the ordeal of Albinos in Tanzania, who are believed to be vested
I doubt sheer creative tenacity alone drove Creō Concepts to create the visually stimulating depictions of Ghanaian female day names. Rather, I presume it was their passion to showcase our beautiful culture as much as it was to promote the ever-expanding Ghanaba movement’s online presence. My curiosity was piqued after seeing a few illustrations that the