Hero Corps, the flagship animated series from SPOOF Animation, the animation imprint of SPOOF! Comics was recently released at Lagos Comic-Con. The just-concluded Fearless Lagos Comic Convention offered great thrills and sights across comics, gaming, animation, sci-fi, cosplay and exclusive releases. One of the hotly anticipated exclusive releases at Lagos Comic-Con was Hero Corps, an
France’s Lagardere Studios, Senegal’s Keewu Productions and Nigeria’s Spoof Media are producing Area Daddy, a new animated series based on Ayodele Elegba’s winner of the first edition of Digital Lab Africa’s (DLA) transmedia category in 2016. Mentored by Alexandre Rideau, director of Keewu Productions, Elegba produced a pilot episode which was screened at Annecy in 2017. Area Daddy offers
A while ago, Ayodele Elegba’s Spoof Animations announced they would be releasing four exciting titles to kickstart their efforts into the world of comics. Spoof initially focused the greater part of its efforts on animation but has also been making strides to enter the world of comics. Ayodele Elegba is the creator of Strike Guard which is arguably one