Kabelo Maaka, also known as Cabblow is an award-winning 2D animator and illustrator from South Africa and the co-founder of Cabblow Studios. She founded the animation studio with her mother, Dr Tshepo P. Maaka. She’s one of the pioneering African women in animation and was one of the continental finalists at the Nairobi edition of
Who says animation is for kids only? It’s a tired cliche when people tag all cartoons and animated content as being for children and ignore the world of content geared towards adults. Popular shows like South Park and The Simpsons are two great examples of animated shows aimed at an adult audience. These shows, however,
Ever wondered what the perspective of a privileged upcoming musician in an Afrobeats industry might be? Orange City has a clue. Stop what you’re doing and picture this, an animated show about Afrobeats, the zanku dance and all her cousins, the Nigerian music industry and a troublesome artist and his team navigating all the drama.
The 60th-anniversary edition of Annecy won’t throw the spotlight one country, instead, it will honour an entire continent: Africa! African Animation will be in the limelight at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the biggest and most prestigious animation festival in the world! The selection marks the latest step forward in Annecy’s growing collaboration with
Registrations for submitting your animation films or projects for the Annecy Festival 2020 and its Mifa are now open! The Annecy Festival will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2020 and will also be spotlighting animation from Africa as it’s focus territory. Annecy International Animation Film Festival has announced that registrations for submitting animation films or projects
FUPiTOONS FESTiVAL is travelling to Annecy 2020! In recognition of this honour, the partners are announcing a FUPiTOONS/Annecy 2020 Special Call, the entry deadline is 6 October 2019. Please submit your projects HERE using the Submission Waiver Code: FUPIANNECY2020 (NB: this is only for African filmmakers). Africa is the territory of honour at Annecy 2020 and is parallel to the Institut Français’ Africa 2020 Creative Season. This is an amazing opportunity to showcase the stories Africa has. The regular deadline for submissions to FUPiTOONS