The third installment of Frame by Frame Animation Nights was a feast for the senses. The energy was palpable as the sun set over Untamed Empire, a creative hub in Accra. Artists, enthusiasts, and industry leaders mingled to the soothing sounds of an eclectic mix of music, surrounded by the venue’s unique architecture. This was
Every year towards the end of January, game developers, game studios, gaming enthusiasts, writers, programmers, designers, illustrators and other creatives from around the world gather for a full weekend to create a new game from scratch, in 48 hours. Africa is no exception and has seen an increase in jam sites over the years. This
NubianVR is a virtual reality startup in Ghana. This post originally appeared on their Medium account. It is republished here with permission and as an introduction to Ghana’s virtual reality space. In 2017, NubianVR made a commitment to focus all its resources on building solutions in Virtual Reality that will be instrumental in addressing the