
All posts tagged in Comics

  • June 17, 2018By Cassandra Mark

    Leti Arts is a content and game development studio based in Accra and Nairobi. Since its establishment by co-founders Eyram Tawia (Ghana) and Wesley Kirinya (Kenya), it has focused mainly on making digital games and comics based on African history and folklore, both more popular and accessible to a worldwide audience. In pursuit of this

  • April 19, 2018By Kadi

    Back in high school, my friends and I were described as cartoons. We were referred to as cartoon boys. This was no endearing term but rather, an attempt to demean us and spit on the things we loved. It was a way of saying stop being “childish” and be like the rest of us. But we didn’t

  • April 12, 2017By Kofi Asare

    If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for brilliant art that’s seasoned with black/African spice, Nubiamancy is it. It is an online goldmine that promotes some of the most amazing art depicting sci-fi, fantasy, mysticism and horror from and for a black/African perspective. Nubiamancy aims to inspire creativity – to showcase works based on African
