Kalabash is a groundbreaking online manga anthology series produced by Afrotokyo, featuring four exciting short stories by talented, up-and-coming writers and illustrators from Zimbabwe. The name Kalabash, like the calabash gourd, represents a diverse mix of homegrown manga talent all in one place. A print edition of this debut manga collection, Kalabash (also known as
Rodney Tawanda Ngundu is a writer, illustrator, graphic designer and photographer based in Zimbabwe. Originally a comic book writer, Rodney blended his digital art skill with his writing to create many concepts and ideas that are used in advertising. Tawanda is also one-third of the Zimbabwean art collective AfroTokyo along with his brothers Kudzai Ngundu
Kudzai Ngundu is a writer, concept artist, illustrator, creative director and co-founder of AfroTokyo in Zimbabwe. AfroTokyo is a pre-production studio that does storyboards, concept art, animation, comic illustration as well as manga/comic writing for use in the educational, advertising and entertainment industries. Kudzai is also part of TaNyaKu, a manga writing collective of three