Following a monumental 10-book deal with Dark Horse Comics, YouNeek Studios has secured VC investment from Impact X Capital to develop a groundbreaking animation series based on a world of superhero and fantasy stories inspired by African history and mythology. Highly regarded former senior VP of co-productions at DreamWorks, Doug Schwalbe, has joined as executive
Wouldn’t it be cool if Ananse, the mighty trickster god of Ashanti folklore was turned into a comic book hero? Cooler still if he was in a pickle and needed saving by one of his offspring; possibly Ntekumah or Anansewa? Or perhaps, a fictional Is’nana created by Greg Anderson-Elysee? (The second volume of is presently
We started the month on a pretty interesting note, by showcasing covers of comics from creators across the continent on our Instagram page. We will feature different African comic covers, every day through the month. Inspired by ACCRAALT, the covers reflect the evolution of African art into more diverse digital art forms that uphold the “a