
How to Win at SEO and Get More Traffic

Episode 03January 10, 2023

In this episode, Layla and I each share about the latest projects that we’ve been working on in the business that we have built together.

I imagine part of the reason our family turn heads is that we’re multiracial — I’m white, my partner is Black, and my children, in their words, are peanut butter. Not only is there an “exotic” factor, but studies have shown that mixed-race people, like my children, are generally perceived as more attractive.



Todd: I’m here with Rachel. We were talking about expiration dates. You were saying that you throw out your clothes regularly.

Rachel: Fairly regularly.

Todd: Yeah. Do you donate them or just toss them?

Rachel: I put them in the recycling.

Todd: There you go.

Rachel: And hope they’re going to be remade into something else.

Todd: Yeah, I guess, yeah I always take it out on the day that they’ll say that they’ll pick up clothes.

Rachel: Yeah. The reason for that is that I usually put, throw clothes out when they’ll start to look a bit shabby, so I don’t think anyone else wants to wear them.

Todd: Right.

Rachel: By that stage.

Todd: What about furniture? How often do you try to get new furniture?

Rachel: Almost never.

Todd: Yeah.

Rachel: That’s something I don’t … Yeah, I’ll put up with what I’ve got.

Todd: Yeah.

Rachel: It seems like such a waste to throw out such large things.

Todd: Yeah, but you never want to replace the couch or the chair?

Rachel: The couch has been replaced three or four times.

Todd: Right.

Rachel: That’s a big one, but we’ve still got the same kitchen table. We had got to get some new chairs.

Todd: Yeah, I’ve never been a big furniture guy, but I just when I see something that’s really cheap … I would never buy new furniture. I’m always amazed like who buys new furniture? Because when you walk by a store and you see the furniture, it’s so expensive. I’m gonna sound really cheap, but it’s like I’m like, wow, why would you pay hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars for that when you can just buy one used or whatever for ten bucks or twenty bucks?

Rachel: I’m definitely a used furniture person now.

Todd: Yeah.

Rachel: When we moved into our house we did go to a furniture store and bought all new furniture. It’s easy. It’s done. Everything looks new. It’s kind of nice, but I almost exclusively buy second-hand furniture now. Depending on which store you go to, you can get some really good bargains on some beautiful old antiques, that look really nice in your house, and cost a fraction of something new.

Todd: Yeah. That’s why you like anything that’s made with metal or wood because you usually think it’s going to age well.

Rachel: Yes.

Todd: Plastic, not so much.

Rachel: No, no. I’ve definitely sworn off plastic. I think plastic’s a fill-in if you need something quickly.

Todd: Yeah.

Rachel: And cheaply, but definitely don’t like to buy plastic now.

Todd: What about electronic goods, like getting a new TV, a new refrigerator, stuff like that? How often do you buy?

Rachel: We just wait until that breaks down. That’s a pretty easy one.

Todd: What about the TV though? The TVs don’t break down. They go on forever. How often do you think, oh I want a new TV, I want a new nicer TV?

Rachel: Our last TV broke.

Todd: It did?

Rachel: Well, we had lightning hit the house, and we lost several electronic items.

Todd: Wow.

Rachel: We lost a keyboard and a computer. I think we lost two out of them… We had three hard discs DV players.

Todd: It was an electrical surge that fried all the circuits?

Rachel: It fried the house, yeah pretty much.

Todd: Wow. I did not know that could happen.

Rachel: Yeah.


Speakers & Guests

  • Sydney Asare

  • Kiyindou Yamakasi
